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Sensory Percussion with Ableton Live and standalone
HELLO (3:15)
Module 1 - First steps - connecting, setting up and training the software
101 - Overview hardware and mounting sensor (3:46)
102 - Overview software (6:40)
103 - Audio and sensor settings (3:02)
104 - Train drum to software + select and monitor input (13:24)
105 - Some words about training the drum and mesh heads (1:03)
Module 2- SP Sensor software - all functions and assingments
201 - Checking out kit/sound presets (6:44)
202 - Apply samples and blends (3:48)
203 - Sampler basics overview (4:09)
204 - Sampler advanced - blend, velocity curve, multiple samplers, choke and retrigger (6:52)
205 - Audio effects (2:44)
206 - Complex sample presets (3:56)
207 - Controllers panel velocity (7:54)
208 - Controllers panel speed (5:32)
209 - Controllers panel timbre (1:33)
210 - Control multiple samples with velocity (4:59)
211 - Full kit and LFO controller assignments (1:44)
212 - Pin controller to full set (0:57)
213 - Export sets (0:59)
214 - Set up external midi hardware control (3:20)
Module 3 - Midi to Ableton Live
301 - Set up virtual midi connections on a Mac (2:11)
302 - Set up virtual midi connections on a PC (2:14)
303 - Midi notes - settings for triggering samples in Ableton Live (4:04)
304 - Play and apply your own samples to Abletons Drumrack (2:39)
305 - Record midi notes in Ableton Live (2:14)
306 - Edit midi notes in Ableton Live (1:52)
307 - Trigger sounds in Abletons Impulse drum sampler and use velocity for sound modification (4:28)
308 - How to use and (de)activate the blend function for midi note output (3:37)
309 - Abletons midi effects - change pitch, note length ans scale (4:26)
310 - Apply midi effects to only one field of your drum (3:44)
311 - Use midi CC to control values in in Ableton Live (5:21)
312 - Using midi notes for the midi remote function (1:48)
313 - How to use multiple midi buses (2:34)
314 - Set up multiple midi notes and CCs for triggering and remote in Sensory Percussion (2:20)
315 - Sending on multiple midi channels with multiple sensors (3:27)
316 - Switch Drumracks/sounds with one drum stroke (5:01)
Module 4 – record Audio (into Ableton Live)
401 - Record audio - loopback from sound card (2:59)
402 - Record audio - virtual and internal routing with Soundflower (Mac) (2:51)
403 - Reduce latency for virtual routing (1:03)
404 - Record raw audio hack (5:09)
Module 5 - Drumtuner
501 - How to use the Drumtuner for Abletons Impulse (3:20)
502 - How to use the Drumtuner for Abletons Drumrack (2:56)
503 - How to switch between presets with the ‘chain’ concept (3:10)
BT-1 Hack (4:16)
Last words
Last words (1:17)
503 - How to switch between presets with the ‘chain’ concept
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